So, I’m on quite a few streaming and community platforms, but my main gaming platform is the XBox One S. It’s neat, it’s cheap, it’s downward compatible to the XBox 360 and it doesn’t come with the fuss that PC gaming brings with it. I even built a custom XBox shelf.
I bought the XB360 for the Orange Box, Portal and, probably most important of all, Deus Ex – Human Revolution. I bought the XBone mostly for the follow-up title Deus Ex – Mankind divided but stuck with Elite Dangerous after scrambling to get ready for Distant Worlds 2 in one week. Now I play mostly Elite Dangerous, although I am eyeing No Mans Sky and also toying around in Free-To-Play-Battle-Royal-Hero-Shooter territory with Apex Legends, which I’ve installed and played a bit already but royally suck at.
All in all I have way to many games I have time to play, but I guess that goes for most people.